Val di Noto


getting in Noto

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First of all,  which are the nearest  airports ?

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To get in Noto by train:

From Catania  airport you need a transfer –  bus or taxi-  to Catania train station.

From Catania  central train station to Noto station.
Usually the ride takes about 2 hours

There are  rides in the morning and in the afternoon. For  any updates and the exact departures board, please check the website before your trip

Once arrived at your destination, the train station in Noto, is not in the historic town,  it take a 15 mins walk(1.2 km)  to reach your hotel and you may need a taxi.

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bus from catania airport 

just outside the arrivals area at Catania airport, there are some buses which connect Catania to Noto. The ride lasts about 2 hrs. 

The bus company is INTERBUS:

Approximately, there are 3 rides in the morning  from 9 am to 11 am. For  any updates please check the website before your trip

Alternatively another bus company is AST: there are 3 rides per day. The ride takes about 1 h and 30 mins

azienda siciliana

For  any updates please check the website before your trip

Once arrived at your destination, the bus station in Noto,is in the historic town, take a 5 mins walk  to reach your hotel.

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